A number of credit card issuers are now giving consumers the ability to custom-design their own cards. In order to become their clients’ favorite card issuers banks are ready to provide their customers with lots of photographic opportunities – one can put their own, their children’s or pets’ photos in the background, or just choose the favorite landscape. It’s really a good idea for the card companies to allow this customization. This has probably awarded them thousands upon thousands of new customers. But how can you foresee what the image will look like when it appears on the credit card? Resizing means a lot in this respect, so whether it’s just a small image of yours that needs to be there, or you want the image to occupy the whole credit card background, ImageConverter Plus allows choosing the exact resize parameters. Add resize operation when starting the program. The usual parameters for the photo to be in the background of the card are 8 x 5 cm or 4 x 2 inches (size may vary). If you need just a small image in the corner, same resize operation can offer you more opportunities – experiment with the image size and make your credit card not just a boring piece of plastic that you use multiple times every day, but the one with a picture that brings you joy!