Starting a new business project is always a risk. There are lots of unknowns, and no matter how inspired you may feel, there may be times you will feel blue and not certain about the future steps. There are some principles though that you should try and follow and that should keep you afloat. First of all, focus on your business. Try to avoid situations where you have no influence and no knowledge. Secondly, make your plan realistic. Thirdly, make your project team. You need trustworthy people to rely on – it’s hard to do something all by yourself. Fourthly, access the risks, and if you still think that the project is worth undertaking, go ahead and avoid getting involved in things that aren’t on your path to success. Concentrate on the project implementation and start with its presentation to the interested parties. Well done presentation of your project is vital for getting sponsorship and interest of potential clients. What you need for a presentation are high quality photos, persuasive wording and self-assurance in making it. Declamatory skills are very important, but graphic images are not less than that. Optimizing your graphics for the PowerPoint presentation you’d better convert them all into a non-bulky image format so that the images open easily and do not make the viewer wait several minutes for every new slide. Resize them so that they do not make the presentation heavy. Please note that JPEG will not be good for images containing text, so GIF should be a preferred format for this purpose. ImageConverter Plus can also deal with vector images in case you need to optimize some diagrams and charts to make the presentation more informative. Remember – you’ll never get a second chance to make a great first impression.