When your image files are in perfect order, are saved in accordance with their name, are sorted by specific parameters and you always know how to locate them – congratulations – you have perfect organizational skills and are unlikely to utilize the extra convenience of our software for bringing your files into order. A more typical picture though is when your files are in different folders, saved in different image formats, and you need to locate them somehow urgently to convert, resize and/or apply image effects. ImageConverter Plus can let you add the image files from different directories. You can convert all your images from a specific folder or skip the images in subfolders; you can add several folders at the same time and specify a new destination folder for converted images. Another extra convenience is our drag-and-dr op function – pick up the images you wish to convert and drag-and-drop them right into the software interface. They will be added to the list of images to be converted. Files saved in different image formats can be dragged-and-dropped and converted into a new image format according to your preference.