The number of image formats supported by ImageConverter Plus is huge and is constantly growing. The software supports more than 800 raster and vector formats. The confusion over all of them can sometimes be overwhelming. Vector graphics get instructions fr om the computer about how the objects should be shaped and what size they should be. Vector image formats are more suited to the defined lines, curves and shapes of charts, logos, web graphics, technical drawings, cartoons and fonts. Raster images are produced by digital image capture devices: digital scanners or digital cameras, or by pixel editing programs (e.g. Adobe Photoshop). They are composed of pixels. How you should save your raster images is governed largely by how you intend to use them. Wh ereas conversion from vector to raster is easily accomplished, raster conversion to vector is much more difficult (and often is not possible). ImageConverter Plus allows conversion from vector to raster formats with only a few clicks of a mouse.