JPEG to EPS conversion in detail
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group.) is the most commonly used image format. JPEG is actually a compression method that makes the image file small enough to be appropriate for the web but still compressing the data not so visibly for the human eye. JPEG is good for all types of images except drawings and images containing text. The solution for such images is the EPS format. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) – a format used for bitmaps and vector graphics – can contain text as well as images; it is less compressed than JPEG. It is suitable for logos or drawing with outlines and is advantageous for printing purposes especially if your project involves booklets, flyers or other advertising materials.
One of the problems graphic artists face is a blurred enlarged image containing outlines or text. For example a circle may come out as a number of short lines looking like a curve; a text may be blurred, etc. This may happen if the image format is not chosen in accordance with the graphic task. Some image formats are more suitable for one purpose and not as good for another. ImageConverter Plus is the software able to process both raster and vector images. When converting JPEG to EPS what you get is a smooth appearance of graphics instead of noticeable roughness. No matter what type of further image processing your file needs your image file will look close to the original even if it’s enlarged. Please note that while the EPS format can keep the original image quality it cannot enhance it if the original image quality was poor; for this purpose special image effects if ImageConverter Plus can be used.
Everything in its proper order
If you feel like each time you need to find some photos that you “definitely remember you took sometime between 2008 and 2010 and later saved somewhere on drive C” you start to panic because you can’t locate them, the best advice we can give is to organize your files and folders better. It’s not just a matter of being disorganized though. Any operating system, or, which is worse, the hard drive may fail you. This makes the nervous user regret he had not taken care of the photos creating their backup copies. ImageConverter Plus can help you avoid the situations like this. Save your images into one preferred format and copy them to the external hard drive. This will make the process of restoring your photo albums much easier. ImageConverter Plus can convert and save the images keeping the folder structure. Decide which structure you prefer – arrange your photos into folders and subfolders. The next step is to standardize them – convert them all into the same image format. It will be useful anyway, because not all the photos saved in RAW for instance, can be viewed by standard computer means. Now save your photos to the external hard drive and relax.
Command Line
Use command-line of ImageConverter Plus to convert JPEG to EPS. When converting JPEG to EPS you can create image thumbnails as demonstrated in the example below:
icpcl.exe -dest “C:\converted” -convertto eps bpp:24 thumbnail:Yes -source “C:\images\*.*”
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