Interface: Operation with target file name

When you convert images with Image Converter Plus, you can form file names according to source and resulting file parameters.

Image Converter Plus uses a set of macros to automatically create resulting file name. The set includes about 30 various macros. Each of them adds a parameter to file name. This parameter is determined by file or image type.

To add a macro, you should position mouse cursor where it should be added, press Illustration button and select a macro from the menu that appears:Illustration

Once selected, the macro will be added to the file name.

Also, you can specify file names manually. In this case you specify full file name. This method is advantageous if you convert several files to one file and want to give a name to this file.

You can also combine these two methods of forming file names. For example, you can write: {Title}_color_{Depth}.{Type} This string uses three macros ({Title} {Depth} {Type} ) and manual text ( _color_ ), wich will be present in all names of converted files.


  • Delete file name parts with the help of DEL and BackSpace keys.
  • If a macro is not deleted properly, it will be displayed in red ({ype})

Besides forming file names, Image Converter Plus has an algorithm of resolving file name collisions. For example, if you convert two files with same names but different extensions, resulting files will have same names. In this case, the file, which was converted first, will be lost. To avoid losing files, Image Converter Plus has “If file already exists” option. 4 variants of behavior are possible:

  • rename – when 2 same file names occur, the program will ask you whether to rename or skip the file. In this case, the first file won’t be overwritten.
  • auto rename – the file will be automatically renamed. When 2 same file names occur, _NN text is added to the end of the file, where NN is an ordinal number. This will resolve file name collosion.
  • overwrite – when 2 same file names occur, the program will ask you whether to overwrite or skip the file. In this case the file won’t be renamed.
  • auto overwrite – automatic file overwrite mode. When 2 same file names occur, the file will be overwritten. So if you have several files with same file names, you’ll have one resulting file. It will be the last file from the list.

Description of macros:

Macro Purpose
{Title} title of the source file
{Type} type (extension) characteristic of the resulting file format
{Counter} counter. Step 1 for any newly converted file
{Page} If conversion splits a multipage file into pages, this counter contains the number of page which corresponds to the file
{Date} conversion date
{Year} conversion year
{Month} conversion month
{Day} file conversion day
{Time} file conversion time
{Hour} file conversion hour
{Minute} file conversion minute
{Second} file conversion second
{Bytes} size of the converted file in bytes
{Kb} size of the converted file in Kb
{Mb} size of the converted file in Mb
{Size} width and height of the resulting file
{Width} width of the resulting file
{Height} height of the resulting file
{Depth} bit per pixel of the resulting file