Profiles can be of tremendous value when repeatedly performing a specific image processing (or other) task on a given image, or when performing the task for a large number of images (or other files). A profile is, essentially, a set of instructions. A given program, such as an image processing package, may allow the user to write a profile, which details a set of instructions or operations that can be called upon through a single command or click of the mouse. Then, instead of the user having to perform each individual operation manually, the program follows the profile and automatically performs the instructions or operations sequentially.
Profiles save a significant amount of time since the program controls the process; if the same set of operations is to be performed repeatedly, this can be extremely helpful to the user. Also, profiles significantly reduce the possibility of user error, since the same set of instructions is followed exactly each time, automatically. In the context of image processing, profiles can be useful for a range of purposes, from automatically adding image signatures to enhancing contrast, brightness or other image characteristics.
The particular method for writing a profile depends on the program under which it is written. Some packages, such as Image Converter Plus, have highly intuitive profiling procedures, where operations are added in a user-friendly manner. Other profiles may require more traditional-style programming skills or the knowledge of a particular programming language. Regardless of the context, profiles can be a useful, time-saving aid in a number of computing tasks.
Author: Jeffrey Clark