JPEG image format is the most widely known one, but no matter how well known it is, it is not so simple. There are a few JPEG format variations that have been created for specific JPEG purposes. One of these is the JFIF format – JPEG File Interchange Format for bitmap graphics. JFIF is a JPEG encoded file format that aims to ease data transferring between multiple platforms and applications – so-called JPEG/JFIF. The compression JFIF format provides is similar to the one of JPEG. Depending on the browser, a regular JPEG file can be saved as JFIF (older Firefox versions), in which case it’s possible to either change the file extension, or convert JFIF to any other image formats supported by ImageConverter Plus. JFIF as well as JPEG is not suitable for storing drawings or textual graphics, but suits best for storing and transmitting photographs over the Internet.